
Bravery for Your Root Canal

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Bravery for Your Root Canal

No one enjoys serious dental procedures like a root canal, but many people outright ignore their dental health because they're too anxious or afraid to go through treatment. I did the very same thing myself when my dentist told me one of my molars could only be saved by a quick root canal. I ended up losing the tooth because I put off the treatment too many times out of fear. Now I work hard to encourage other dental patients to find ways to overcome their anxiety so they can get the care they need and save their teeth before it's too late.


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Will You Experience Pain And Discomfort After Dental Implant Surgery?

Tooth implant surgery is an invasive treatment procedure. However, the long-term benefits of the treatment are hard to ignore. Implants prevent bone loss and restore your youthful appearance. They also offer a lasting solution, unlike dentures, since you don't need to replace them after some time. But do you experience pain or discomfort during and after the surgery? You might experience swelling and pain during recovery like any other surgical procedure. But don't worry; your dentist will likely recommend the following measures to manage the mild pain.

1. Prescribe Medication 

Your dentist will prescribe medication to help alleviate the mild pain you might experience in your mouth. The specialists might also instruct you to take antibiotics to help fight infections as the wound heals. It is important to follow your dentist's instructions on dosage to avoid drug abuse that could lead to other complications. If the pain becomes unbearable after taking the medication, consider seeking emergency treatment immediately.

2. Rest and Avoid Physically Taxing Activities

After implant surgery, the specialists recommend asking a loved one to drive you home since the anesthesia might impair your ability to drive the vehicle. It would help to get someone to help you around the house for the first few days during recovery. This will allow you to rest and avoid injuring the surgical area.

Taking some rest can prevent bleeding and aches. Furthermore, strenuous activities can increase blood pressure and dislodge the blood clots that are preventing the incision sites from bleeding. Consider taking a few days off work to heal and avoid injuries.

3. Use Cold Compress

Pressing ice packs wrapped in thin towels near the incision site can help minimize swelling and discomfort. You can use the same trick on swollen parts of your mouth after dental implant surgery. Cold therapy works by reducing blood flow into the inflamed area. It can also reduce the sensitivity of nerves around the incision site, alleviating discomfort. Over time, the pain or discomfort should subside as you use cold therapy.

4. Eat the Right Foods

After surgery, the specialists recommend switching to soft foods to avoid inflammation. Soft foods are friendly to the surgical site. Stick to foods like bananas, rice, and soup. You might also want to avoid foods that are too hot, spicy, or salty since they irritate your incisions and trigger discomfort. Avoid food that is hard to break down and chew, like carrots, steak, and apples. The sacrifice will be worth it after you recover and heal.

If you experience too much discomfort after the surgery, you should report to the dentist. They might ask you to visit the dental care facility to examine and treat any infections. The tips above should help you have a great recovery period after the procedure.

Talk to your dentist to learn more about dental implants.