
Bravery for Your Root Canal

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Bravery for Your Root Canal

No one enjoys serious dental procedures like a root canal, but many people outright ignore their dental health because they're too anxious or afraid to go through treatment. I did the very same thing myself when my dentist told me one of my molars could only be saved by a quick root canal. I ended up losing the tooth because I put off the treatment too many times out of fear. Now I work hard to encourage other dental patients to find ways to overcome their anxiety so they can get the care they need and save their teeth before it's too late.


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Are You A Candidate For Dental Implants? Assessing Suitability

If you're considering dental implants, it's important to assess whether you're a suitable candidate for this procedure or not. Dental implants have gained popularity as a solution for missing teeth, providing a natural-looking and functional alternative to dentures and bridges. Unfortunately, not every single person is going to be an eligible candidate for dental implants. This simple guide will provide you with the factors that will help decide your availability for dental implants, helping you make an informed decision about your oral health. Of course, it is always best to talk to your dentist if you have any questions, as they will be able to make a specific determination regarding your individual circumstances. 

Bone Health

One crucial aspect of being a candidate for dental implants is having good bone health. Dental implants are set into place deep into the jawbone, and the success of the procedure depends on the implant fusing with the bone over time. If you've experienced bone loss due to gum disease, injury, or other factors, it might affect the stability of the implant. Dentists typically use imaging techniques like X-rays to assess your bone density and structure. If your bone health isn't optimal, you might need another simple procedure that is known as bone grafting, just to ensure the implant has a stable foundation.

General Health

Your general health will have a pivotal part to play in determining your candidacy for dental implants. Serious and chronic health problems like diabetes or autoimmune conditions can impact the body's ability to heal after surgery. Additionally, tobacco use can hinder the healing process and increase the risk of complications. Before proceeding with dental implant surgery, your dentist will almost certainly check your general health history and conduct a thorough examination. They may collaborate with your healthcare provider to make absolutely certain that your general health is at a stable level and that any potential risks are minimized.

Lifestyle Factors

Your lifestyle and habits can influence the success of dental implants. If you gnash your teeth (which is also known as bruxism) or engage in activities that carry a risk of facial trauma such as smoking, it could impact the longevity of the implants. The grinding of your teeth will put a lot of pressure on the implants and lead to damage, while smoking can damage your gums and stain the implants themselves over time. During the assessment, your dentist may inquire about your habits and recommend solutions to mitigate potential risks. If you do have this issue then wearing a nightguard can help protect both your natural teeth and the implants, and reducing the amount you smoke can also help you get approval faster. 

Contact a local dental implant service to learn more.