
Bravery for Your Root Canal

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Bravery for Your Root Canal

No one enjoys serious dental procedures like a root canal, but many people outright ignore their dental health because they're too anxious or afraid to go through treatment. I did the very same thing myself when my dentist told me one of my molars could only be saved by a quick root canal. I ended up losing the tooth because I put off the treatment too many times out of fear. Now I work hard to encourage other dental patients to find ways to overcome their anxiety so they can get the care they need and save their teeth before it's too late.


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Diagnosis And Treatment Of Periodontal Disease

Around 47.2% of adults over 30 suffer from some level of periodontal disease. This disease is very common among adults, yet it is a disease that dentists can treat. It is easier for them to treat it at an early stage, though. Here is an explanation of how dentists diagnose gum disease and treat it.

They Check Your Gums at Regular Dental Visits

If you go to the dentist regularly, your dentist will check your gums each time you come for visits. They do this with a periodontal probe, which is a handheld tool they use to measure the pockets between the gums and teeth. This tool tells them the depth of these pockets, and the depth reveals the health of your gums. Your gums should not have deep pockets. If they do, you have gum disease.

When they measure these areas and see spots that have pockets deeper than 3mm, they assume you have gum disease. If the pockets are much deeper than this, you may have a progressive state of gum disease.

They Ask Questions and Examine Your Mouth

Your dentist may also examine your mouth and ask questions about your teeth and oral health to diagnose gum disease. They may look for signs of bleeding with your gums. They might also look for signs that your gums are not healthy. By examining them, your dentist can tell if you have gum disease.

Gingivitis is the most common form of gum disease, and it is the first stage of it. If you have gingivitis, treating it is simple. If your gum disease progresses, it might reach the second level, which is called periodontitis. The final stage is advanced periodontitis.

They Treat It in Several Ways

The treatment for gum disease varies by the stage it is in. If you have gingivitis, they might treat it by cleaning your teeth and prescribing a fluoride mouth rinse. If your gum disease is worse than this, they might suggest scaling and root planing, which is a service that cleans the pockets in your mouth. You might need more treatment options than this, though, if you have advanced periodontitis.

If you think that you might suffer from periodontal disease, you may want to schedule a dental visit. A dentist can diagnose this condition if you have it and offer treatment options. If you have a progressive stage of gum disease, your dentist might refer you to a periodontist for treatment options.