
Bravery for Your Root Canal

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Bravery for Your Root Canal

No one enjoys serious dental procedures like a root canal, but many people outright ignore their dental health because they're too anxious or afraid to go through treatment. I did the very same thing myself when my dentist told me one of my molars could only be saved by a quick root canal. I ended up losing the tooth because I put off the treatment too many times out of fear. Now I work hard to encourage other dental patients to find ways to overcome their anxiety so they can get the care they need and save their teeth before it's too late.


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Five Benefits Of A Dental Crown

A dental cap or crown usually covers a damaged tooth, although some people wear dental caps for cosmetic purposes. Whatever your reasons for wearing dental caps, you need to understand these fixtures. Here are some benefits of dental crowns.

1. Increase Tooth Strength

Typically, dental crowns completely cover teeth. That enables a tooth to regain its strength and get back to working normally without worrying about damage. Additionally, a crown can help prevent further decay or cracking. Therefore, crowns are a popular restoration option after root canal therapy as they help the teeth heal fast and strengthen.

2. Restore Damaged Teeth 

Dental crowns are ideal for restoring teeth to their initial shape and size. This restoration is vital, especially when the teeth are misaligned, resulting in bite problems. These issues result in pain, crooked teeth, and chewing or chewing problems. With crowns, you can eliminate all these problems and eat or speak without problems. However, for the crowns to work effectively, your dentist will have to assess the size of your teeth to get the right fit for you.

3. Enhance Smile

Additionally, dental caps help deal with dental imperfections such as cracked and discolored teeth. That's because the dental crowns cover the chipping. More so, the crowns, especially porcelain caps, are stain-resistant. Hence, crowns are an excellent choice of dental treatment that restores your smile.

4. Replace Lost Teeth 

You may have experienced tooth loss due to trauma or a dental infection. The gaps that are left behind may cause cosmetic problems for you. Fortunately, dental crowns can help replace the lost teeth without extensive surgery. For instance, a dentist can place a crown on the teeth that surround the missing one. Then, the dental expert proceeds to install a bridge that the two crowns support. The bridge is where the new synthetic tooth attaches. This non-invasive tooth replacement procedure gives a more natural outcome.

5. Improve Dental Comfort 

A dental crown procedure entails placing the crowns permanently on your teeth. Hence, the crown remains in the exact position as required, unlike dentures that can potentially shift. That means that crowns offer comfort, and you don't have to worry about them sitting loosely in your mouth. Additionally, this stability helps fix dental problems such as crossbites faster as the caps hold the teeth in the right position throughout.

Dental crowns can help improve your smile, restore damaged teeth, replace lost teeth, and increase the strength of your teeth. The caps are also permanent hence provide comfort. Consider getting dental caps if you want to fix your dental problems.