
Bravery for Your Root Canal

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Bravery for Your Root Canal

No one enjoys serious dental procedures like a root canal, but many people outright ignore their dental health because they're too anxious or afraid to go through treatment. I did the very same thing myself when my dentist told me one of my molars could only be saved by a quick root canal. I ended up losing the tooth because I put off the treatment too many times out of fear. Now I work hard to encourage other dental patients to find ways to overcome their anxiety so they can get the care they need and save their teeth before it's too late.


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Will Dental Braces Make Your Tooth Sensitivity Worse?

If you have sensitive teeth, you might be reluctant to undergo orthodontic treatment. After all, braces put pressure on your teeth to move them through bone to the desired locations in your mouth.

Unfortunately, in the initial stages of orthodontic treatment, it's normal to experience sensitivity and some pain. This is because each brace bracket works by putting pressure on a tooth. This pressure can exacerbate existing sensitivity and pain.

If tooth sensitivity is a problem for you, you can still undergo orthodontic treatment. But you might have to do things a little differently.

You Can Treat Your Tooth Sensitivity First

Before you start orthodontic treatment, you can work with your dentist to discover the cause of your tooth sensitivity. Three common causes of tooth sensitivity are:

  • Receding gums
  • Dental erosion
  • Thin enamel

If the gums around your teeth have receded, your teeth roots will have little to protect them from temperatures and acidic foods and drinks. As a result, you will experience sensitivity. Your dentist will need to find out why your gums have receded. If gum disease is to blame, then you'll need to cure that first. You may then need gum grafts to cover your roots.

If dental erosion or thin enamel is to blame, then you'll first need to strengthen your enamel before undergoing orthodontic treatment. You can do this by taking fluoride supplements or by applying fluoride gel to your teeth. This will strengthen your enamel and reduce the sensitivity you currently experience.

Once you have reduced your tooth sensitivity, you can then undergo orthodontic treatment.

You Can Choose Removable Dental Braces

You can proceed straight to dental braces if you don't have the time or the money to treat your tooth sensitivity first. Rather than traditional braces or ceramic braces, which work with tooth brackets, you could go for a removable brace, such as Invisalign.

Invisalign aligners will cause some discomfort in the beginning whether you have sensitive teeth or not. But they are a better option for you if you suffer from sensitive teeth because you can remove them if the discomfort becomes too unbearable. It's a good idea to discuss this with your orthodontist first, however, since you need to wear your aligners as much as possible.

If sensitivity is an issue, you and your orthodontist can work out how many hours per day you can keep your aligners out for them to be effective. You might need to extend your overall treatment time slightly if you don't wear them enough each day.

Is tooth sensitivity an issue for you? Then talk to your orthodontist. One of the above approaches might work for you to prepare your teeth for dental braces.