
Bravery for Your Root Canal

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Bravery for Your Root Canal

No one enjoys serious dental procedures like a root canal, but many people outright ignore their dental health because they're too anxious or afraid to go through treatment. I did the very same thing myself when my dentist told me one of my molars could only be saved by a quick root canal. I ended up losing the tooth because I put off the treatment too many times out of fear. Now I work hard to encourage other dental patients to find ways to overcome their anxiety so they can get the care they need and save their teeth before it's too late.


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Getting Used To Your Retainer

Moving from the braces stage of orthodontics to the retainer stage is a relief for many. However, the retainer, as simple as it is, comes with its own set of issues that you'll have to adjust to. These are much easier to deal with than braces -- have fun biting into an apple that you didn't have to cut up because you can remove the retainer -- but they can still trip you up a bit until you get into the swing of things.

Try Not to Forget It

The biggest problem you'll encounter as you try to get used to your retainer? Remembering it. You'll find you've left it at home, left it in your bag, etc. You'll need reminders in places and at times when you don't have the luxury of saying you'll get the retainer in a minute. For example, if you put a note on your bathroom mirror to wear your retainer, you could easily forget as you leave the room. But if you leave a note on the front door that you see just as you're about to leave, you'll know you have to go back and get the retainer before you leave your home. It's your last chance before you head off to school or work.

Try to Use It as Soon as Possible if You Realize You Forgot It

When you get your braces off, your teeth will be in the right position -- but they can still move around a bit. The point of a retainer is to ensure that your teeth don't start drifting out of position, so you need to wear it as much as possible. If you forget to wear the retainer for a couple of hours, all you have to do is find it and pop it back in. But if you forget to wear the retainer for a few weeks, you may find it's a tight fit when you try to wear it again. That's because your teeth have started to drift out of place. Normally putting the retainer in and wearing it constantly will help nudge those errant teeth back into the right spots -- the movement is minimal and just enough to make you notice when you put in the retainer. If the retainer is really tight and uncomfortable, a trip back to the orthodontist will be necessary.

Get Extra Cases

Your retainer will come with a case that protects it when it's not in your mouth. Any time you take out the retainer for reasons other than to clean it, you'll want to leave it in that case. However, the case can get lost, drop onto a dirty floor, or get broken just like any other plastic case. You'll want to buy a few extra cases that the retainer will fit in. Your orthodontist should be able to provide them, or you could buy some online.

If the retainer is really giving you a hard time, talk to an orthodontist. The retainer may need adjustment.